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GiveNew to Gospelife?
Ready for your next step?
Growth Track is our best way to get to know each other! During this 3-week journey alongside others who are new, you’ll discover more about our mission, vision, and values as a church. You will also detect the strength of your purposeful design and deploy your God-given gifts to make a different in the life of others.
This is your chance to get to know us! You’ll get to interact with our pastors & ministry staff along with others who are new! We'll enjoy dinner together and provide a snapshot of Gospelife's mission, vision and values.
Dive into the details of your personality, discover your gifts, and begin the journey of detecting your design and purpose in life so you can make a difference in the world around you.
During the final week of Growth Track, we invite you to take your next step at our church! Find out what it means to make a difference with Gospelife and connect to the opportunities available at Gospelife to live out your purpose and serve others by using your God – given gifts. We will also share about what it looks like to join the mission of the church through membership.
Growth Track is the best place to start!
North Wheaton Growth TrackCarol Stream Growth Track