Small Groups

Gospelife is a big place with lots of people! Small Groups can help!

Small Groups connect you with a smaller community to grow alongside on your faith journey.

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A Group for Everyone

We have a Small Groups that meet nearly every day/evening of the week. We have Small Groups that are demographic based (men’s, women’s, couples, young adults, and more), while others are more topical & focused on specific, relevant content for a particular season. In either case, the goal is simple: smaller communities within our church meeting weekly to cultivate godly relationships & foster growth in faith and Christlikeness together. If you need help finding a group we can help match you.

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Small Group Calendar

Life flows in seasons, and so do our Small Groups. Most of our groups meet on an ongoing, seasonal basis during two semesters:

Fall: September – December
Spring: January – May

Need help finding a group?

Let us know and we’ll match you with a group based on your day/time and demographic preferences:

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Or search here to find the list of groups currently meeting:

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Leading a group

We always need more Small Group leaders and hosts. It’s not as intimidating as it sounds! We all have something to offer a group—whether it’s opening up your home, participating by offering your personal experience and perspective to help encourage someone else, or leading/facilitating a group.

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